LloydsPharmacy in Kempston, Bedford MK42 8PP
Location in Kempston/Bedfordshire (Phone number, Hours, map, LloydsPharmacy Stores near me)LloydsPharmacy is a British pharmacy company It is owned by the German company Celesio, formerly GEHE AG, which is in turn owned by the American McKesson Corporation. Below is the Brewers LloydsPharmacy Click and Collect Kempston information like contact number, store locations, hours, email, address and near me locations.
LloydsPharmacy Phone : 01234854023
Weekdays hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Weekends hours: Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM - Sunday: Closed
LloydsPharmacy Address : 242 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8PP
City & State : Kempston, Bedfordshire
Map : Directions
Website: http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/
Find detailed information about LloydsPharmacy Kempston MK42 8PP Locations, Hours, Phone number, Email, holiday hours and Near me locations.
LloydsPharmacy Kempston Regular Business Hours
What time does the LloydsPharmacy Automotive Open and close?
Hours today | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 9:00 AM | 6:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM | 6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM | 6:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM | 6:00 PM |
Friday | 9:00 AM | 6:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed | 5:00 PM |
Sunday | Closed | Closed |
Store hours may vary.
Holiday hours of LloydsPharmacy Kempston
The hours of operation change during the holiday season. The majority of the stores will adjust hours of operation during the holidays. The observed holidays include:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas day
- Easter Sunday
LloydsPharmacy Map Directions & near me locations
Please, search LloydsPharmacy near me locations from the map below. Also, use this store locator tool to find store locations near you.
Directions and locations to LloydsPharmacy, 252-274 Bedford Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8AY
Other Services
- Pharmacy
LloydsPharmacy Kempston Offers and Coupons
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About LloydsPharmacy
Lloyds Chemist began in 1973 when Allen Lloyd purchased his first pharmacy in Polesworth, Warwickshire, England, UK. It is estimated he made a £32 million fortune from the LloydsPharmacy empire.
In November 2013 the Daily Telegraph reported that “The prices of more than 20,000 drugs could have been artificially inflated, with backhanders paid to chemists who agreed to sell them”.
LloydsPharmacy Also: LloydsPharmacy in Kempston, Bedford MK42 8BG
Source of information : lloydspharmacy.com
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